Thursday, July 5, 2012


First let me do what I forgot to do a couple days ago.  Include  two pictures of the fantastic bike trail between Grand Rapids and Howard City.  The first is closer to the beginning of the trail and shows a curve.  The second is further up an is characteristic of the long flat straight aways that indicate a Rail-to-Trails history.  To prove this is true, the third picture is of a restored depot in Reed City.
I had left the trail after Howard City because it became gravel and not smooth gravel like the towpath.  However the trail is paved from Big Rapids, whe!re I stayed last night, to Reed City so back on it for the first 14 miles this morning.
Made it to Ludington on the shores of Lake Michigan, bought my ferry ticket and checked in with my Warm Showers host.  Unfortunately she lives in a cell signal black hole so this installment will not get posted until tomorrow.
Hope everyone had a good and enjoyable Fourth.

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